The Taken King


I am so tired. I have spent the night playing The taken king, and it is awesome. Destiny has definitely got its excitement back, the real excitement of new things. I have taken my Titan to level 40 and unlocked the Sunbreaker subclass. Getting to fire up and throw flaming hammers that explode is amazing, it makes me feel like Fire Thor.


And this is just one of the new subclasses, I have yet to play my hunter or warlock, but I am very excited to bring them forward as well. Speaking of the excitement of new things, I haven’t felt so excited over getting a legendary engram for quite some time, it actually means something again. This does mean however; Dismanteling all my hard earned legendary loot from house of wolves and the dark below, I will of course be keeping special ones like Murmur and all of the iron banner gear, just for nostalgia. But in a game where the new common gear is just as strong, if not stronger than the old legendary gear, it’s time to let go, no matter how painful.

However, there is a bright side. So far I have collected a Legendary shotgun and Chestpiece, and I just want to jump in again and collect more, I must admit it is strange seeing blues and greens equipped, the urge to find more purples is strong.


Look at all those colors!

Playing through the storyline is really fun, the cut scenes are amazing, and the story! there is a story!

The interactions the story characters have with each other is fantastic, all the quests we can do are exciting and fun. And challenging, once again things are challenging, it’s not just a run through and do this simple thing and you are done, it’s run through annoying and powerful enemies and claw your way through to the end.

What I have been really enjoying is the new dynamics brought in with taken. From warping around to shooting massive balls of shadow energy at you, each one proves a different challenge, and when you throw a whole bunch of them together, a really fun time.

The Dreadnought


It is huge, I have had a great time exploring all the little areas. Through hidden tunnels, across invisible bridges. Finding secret treasures. All the while fighting a mix of Taken, Hive and Cabal. Wandering through this place is new and exciting, I can’t wait to dive back in. All the new Patrol Beacons are fun too, from the ‘Energy Spike’ missions to taking care of a patch of Taken, they add more excitement to the usual ‘go here and scan this’ or ‘kill all the things’

All in All the Taken King has been a great experience so far. Bungie has really upped their game, This is what destiny should have been from the beginning. I cannot wait to see what else they will surprise us with.

Thank You Bungie


and as always

Tune in – Geek out


Become Legend

My first year in Destiny


Destiny came out on september 9th last year and quickly cemented itself as my favourite game, the mix of collecting and shooting things spoke to me on a level that no other games have been able to do. The destiny companion app. is an amazing addition to a game, which I have never come across before, making it a lot easier to change gear on the fly, if you don’t use the app. I highly recommend it.

I unlike many others, was not angered by the lack of a frontal in your face story and loved the behind the scenes Grimoire, finding all the secret hidden ghosts to open up more tidbits enthralled me, even just roaming around on patrol killing and looting has used many hours of my life, I could spend whole weekends playing this game.

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The only issue I encountered was the fact that I have no friends who play Destiny, therefore have never done any of the team based parts of Destiny, such as the end game raids, or with the House Of Wolves update any Trials Of Osiris, I haven’t even played a nightfall strike all the way through. I know there are websites that help with finding a fireteam, but as a full time working adult, I unfortunately do not have the time to organise something like that.

The lack of a split screen option also means I cannot play with K. until we end up buying a second console, Which we are most likely going to do.

Even with these few issues I still love the game, a lot. I come home after work and jump straight on, and play as much as I can, I am invested. This is only the first year, i cannot wait for The Taken King to come out, it looks so good, there’s a whole bunch of new weapons, new game types, a whole new location, cutscenes, New Subclasses and swords!

The Excitement I feel for this is immense, even this little taste we have had with patch 2.0 is enough to get me frothing at the mouth for more, I mean look at how pretty the new solar system map is!


So Pretty

Bungie has really listened to the community, they have made some awesome changes CoughThornNerfCough. one of the biggest being vault space, I mean, it’s huge now, I can have all the things! and the fact that we don’t have to carry shaders around with us anymore, and we can turn in Bounties as soon as we complete them! how cool is that. The thing about Destiny is there are so many things i could go on and on about for hours.

In my book at least that makes it a brilliant game, despite all the naysayers and the people threatening to leave and never come back unless their specific problem is fixed, I love it. it will be a game that will stick with me for a very long time, one day I even hope to have friends that play. but for now what Destiny gives me is enough, a fun time, something to pass the hours.

And a great community, one of the nicest I have come across, especially for a fps. Keep on doing what you are doing Bungie  I ❤ You.

and with that, I will leave you these immortal words:

“We’ve woken the hive!”

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If any of you would like to be my destiny friend add me on Xbox one – ‘Predawnmonster’ and K ‘CyanideGeek’

Are you looking forward to The Taken King? Is there something you would like to see added in future updates? let us know!
Stay tuned for our Destiny Cosplays coming up in a post next month!

Tune in – Geek out
